Sunday, July 22, 2018

I, for the time being will be posting some Birding content. I am Birding quit heavily and have witnessed some truly wonderful happenings in the Bird world. I've taken many photos and have seen some rare birds, I'm currently listing for 2018. At the time of this post I am at 190 species for the year and my goal is 200.  If I hit 200 Birds for the year I have a secondary goal of 254, we'll see how that goes. So far this year I must say it has been fantastic! There are so many birds this year, it's been unbelievable. I've been seeing large numbers of everything. I'm seeing Pileated and Cuckoos every week, Blue Grosbeaks nesting, Bob-Whites in three different locations. Brown Thrashers and Wood Thrushes like I've never seen before. Robins here at the house are on their third brood. I've been watching Red-headed woodpeckers and Rose-breasted grosbeak training their young. Insects and berries are plentiful and the Birds have lots to eat. The weather here in Ohio has just about been perfect. Farmers crops are looking really good. Last year I had noticed that the food birds consume did really good as well, bushes were just loaded with berries of all types. I personally think that last year really feed the birds well and the young ones got a good start to life just as it is happening this year. The only Bird that's not been very visible or is just hanging out somewhere else are Cedar Waxwings, but that's a Cedar Waxwing for you. My only issue is that I haven't seen a new species in over two weeks. I'm a bit weak with Tyrannidae and Vireonidae not to mention struggling with all family's of CHARADRIIFORMES. So I'm paying attention and studying specific habits trying to hone my skills of going after specific species. Summer is starting to wind down a bit and some if not already some species will start passing through. The one great thing about the fall migration is that it's laid back, the birds just kind of mosey through taking their sweet ol' time of heading south. I'm going to be in Pennsylvania in October and I'm thinking of heading to Hawk Mountain. Magee Marsh is out for the rest of the year but I'm going to hit Ottawa Wildlife refuge at least one more time this year. Another good thing I can see 20 to 30 warbler species throughout September close by so I'll be able to bird just about everyday, (I hope). I know a lot of Birders lay down the glass this time of year but I have to say DON'T, there is some much to see even if the specie count is down. So stay with it and Happy Birding!

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